Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Twilight Weekend

I haven't written in this in a while, because I've been sick. It's crazy. The entire month of March, I've been sick. It's terrible! The kids at the day care were sick. There were 3 or 4 of them that went home with 102-103 degree fevers. And I knew I was gonna get sick, and I did. Which SUCKS. I hate being sick. I do. I don't like missing work, but I'm not going to go in and get everyone else sick with whatever I have. Like for the past week or two, I've been having constant bowel movement issues. And so I went to the doctor's this morning, and I have to get testing done. So it'll be interesting. But I'm just worried it could be something serious. I just hope it isn't.


This past weekend was amazing! It was my "Twilight" weekend. Friday after work, I went home and fell asleep so I would be up and ready to go to the Midnight DvD Release Party at Hot Topic at the mall. It was a lot of fun! I was the 21st person to get the dvd. Got a free poster out of the deal, and it was just awesome. I got a picture with the cardboard cutout of Edward Cullen!

I know, I'm a dork. I was the first person to get a picture with him 'cause everyone else was chicken! I set the trend then people went and got pictures with him. :) I felt good to do that. I got my dvd at 12:10am, and went home. When I got there, i watched it, of course. Then I watched the extended scenes. Once that was done, I decided to watch the commentary. I didn't watch all of it, because I was so darn tired. I didn't go to bed till 3:30 in the morning! Then I got up at 7:30 to be at Suncoast by 8 when they open to get my friend's copy. I lingered around in Suncoast, because they were playing the movie, and I wanted to buy another movie. I got out of there at 9, then went and got my new glasses. then i went home, watched some of the commentary then passed out for a few hours. got up, finished the commentary, cleaned my room. I then went to the Emmel's so that Erin and I could watch "Twilight" together. SO much fun! Especially since they have a big flat screen, and surround sound...amazing. I was so happy to watch it! Erin and I did watch soem of the features on the second disc, but I had to get home 'cause I was soooo tired and I had work the next day.
That was my weekend.