Sunday, March 27, 2011


I don't post on here anymore, because of a comment that was left by someone that made me rather irritated. Here's the post:

I have read you blog and I find it to be a complete contradiction of your daily facebook posts! In this blog you have given off the feeling that you never vocalize any feelings and live like a hermit, however every hour of your life besides when you are sleeping you let everyone know what is going on with your day! You have used facebook to let everyone know if your happy, sad, watching a movie, eating, and so on! Now either you are letting everyone know on facebook how you really feel, or you are just posting that stuff on there so that people read it and hopefully pay attention to you! I'm curious to know which it actually is! It seems to me that this blog you wrote tonight is a "Feel Sorry for Me Blog". What you should be doing instead of having a pity party for yourself is to change what your unhappy about! Life is what you make it! So if you make life miserable you will end up that way! Be more daring as well it will help your mentality! Well good luck!!

Now, if they didn't know, I'm allowed to post whatever the hell I want in my blog/journal. And I wrote it, because that is what I was feeling. Wasn't meant to be a pity party, and for that fact, I haven't felt like updating this journal, because of that response. It aggravates me that people are so quick to judge what someone writes when they don't stop to think that this is actually how I was feeling at a certain time. So what if I update my facebook? Everyone updates their facebook. And people either pay attention to it or not, who gives a crap! Me posting about this comment as been a long time coming, because I really didn't want to blatantly expose this person, but I don't care anymore. If they want to make me feel like I can't express myself, then I will call them out on it. Isn't that what a blog is for?

Well, I will probably not be using this anymore and just updating my other blog that I've had longer than this one. So to "Heather", keep thinking what you want. But you don't know the real me and what goes on behind the facebook updates.
