Sunday, February 26, 2012


Two posts in a day? Wow. I must be on something! But I think I've figured out my obstacle...While at work, I was able to think when others weren't there or I didn't have a customer.

I think I need to join a gym again. I think I'm going to join Planet Fitness again so that I can go there after work and work on my cardio and all. I know that if I do that I'll have more resources to help me get in better shape. And I know they have TVs there so you can watch them when you're on the treadmill, so maybe I can go Monday nights when they have The Voice on, if I'm not working, of course. But I really do wanna start being more active and eating a lot better. But. I think that if I go to home first, then to the gym, it'll thin out, since right after work is when A LOT of people want to get their work outs in. Go home first, change, then go up there will be a good idea. The Planet Fitness here is 24-hours Monday-Friday. Then they're open from 7am-7pm both Saturdays and Sundays. I'll just have to fix it into my budget to pay for it. Though I think I'll just get the $10 a month, so we'll see!!

Another one for the books...

I've become rather offset with me working out and all. I'm tired a lot of the times and yes, that's not a good excuse at all. I work 6 days a week and only have one day off. All day yesterday I pretty much laid around and did nothing. Hell, I even took a NAP. And I haven't been eating the way I should be either. I really think I've lost the motivation to really get up and move. I'm on my feel for 8-9 hours, sometimes 12 if I work both jobs and I come home and am exhausted. Working out always ends up being the last on my mind when I just want to come home and sit down and relax.

I did start thinking yesterday though. I know, I should be careful when I do, but it might help. I got a new digital camera last week that I've been itching to try out. I'm starting to think that I should implement that. Instead of sitting around and not doing anything, I should grab my camera and go for a walk somewhere. Now, if the weather cooperates, I'm thinking I might go to Valley Forge this Saturday. I would go today, but I have to be at work in an hour, so that would be pointless. But that's what I'm thinking of doing is stepping away from being inside and on my ass the majority of the time to actually being outside, taking pictures like I want to. Things change on a daily basis and you can't take the same picture twice. So each time I go out it'll be a new adventure. I'm excited for that now. If the weather doesn't cooperate, I'll put on my raincoat, boots, heavy coat or whichever and just got for a walk around town. :)

Onto other news. I'm officially apart of a paranormal team, called Ghost Journeys (link to website). I was really excited when she sent me the application, well, thing for the website. I had showed interest a couple weeks prior but didn't think anything of it. And here I am filling out a questionnaire of info for the website! I'm really excited for the next 6 months and being apart of this team. Why? Because we have some amazing events/investigations going on! In March, I'm going with Janice (my friend & lead investigator/director of Ghost Journeys) to Phenom 104. For those of you that read my last post about the whole Mansfield event and the drama, this is the event (phenom 104) that Janice brought to my attention and am now going to. All the people that will be at Mansfield are going to the Phenom event in Gettysburg the week prior (except for Aaron Goodwin, which sucks, but I'll get to meet him one day). So everything worked out! Just got my schedule changed around at work and am good to go. :) The next one is in April where we'll be investigating Hill View Manor. I'm excited for this one, too. A little nervous, but I think once we all get there and are comfortable, I'll be good to go. THEN. At the end of July, we're going to Tennessee to investigate Hales Bar Marina & Dam! I'm so excited about this one, because I've been talking to the team that heads up the investigations there since the Ghost Adventures episode aired. And they said that I need to get down there and all...well. It's happening! I cannot wait to get there. OH. And the weekend after that, the PA Renaissance Faire opens! WoOt!

2012 is really shaping up to be an incredible year! So many awesome things going on! Can't wait for more adventures!!