Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day One

Today was the first day of my work out regiment that I have planned for myself. I am going to be getting up early each morning before work to do Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred. I've done it before, but not for 30 consecutive days. I've done it here and there, but never really done it each day. The first few days are always tough, because my body is changing with the program. I've already been eating better. I don't over-eat as much as I used to in the past, which is definitely a step up. I've lost the 40lbs that I gained two summers ago in a matter of 4 months. And ever since then I have been on a funk. I cannot seem to figure out what is going on, but I know what it is. I'm eating right, yes, BUT I have to start in with the work outs. I want to be in a better place with my body. I'm not comfortable with how I look, and I never have been. So here's the start of my new take on working out. It's hard. Countless times during the dvd I had to catch my breath. But as Jillian says in the DVD, "If you need to rest, do it only for 5 seconds, then get right back into it." She wants our bodies to change, and to induce change - you have to put pressure on your body. I want to have that body image in my head of me wearing smaller sizes in clothes. I'm striving towards it, and for me to get there, I have to push myself.

Stay tuned for the next installment of my 30 day work out! And much more...

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