Monday, February 16, 2009

Another Day In The Life

Even if it's been a few days, there are things going on in my mind that I'm having trouble with...Valentine's Day was always hard for me...even when I had a boyfriend/fiancee. I never got anything big or spectacular. It was just always low-key. Saturday, I worked at Hallmark...the God of all card/gift shops. And I rang up so many people that were buying last minute gifts...I felt left out. I do not mind being single at all, but the fact that I only got one card...just didn't make me feel special. Aren't you supposed to feel special on a holiday? I mean, Friday, we had the Valentine's Day Party with the kids at work and I did get the little Valentine's, which were cute. But yeah. I don't know. It's my first Valentine's Day without a Valentine in...over five years. It's all good.

Saturday, my tax refund check went through into my account. Guess what i did with it first? I went and bought myself a new laptop. Yesssssss! I am the proud owner of an HP Pavilion Entertainment PC. It runs World of Warcraft oh so well! It doesn't lag, which is just AWESOME! It has Vista, which isn't bad AT ALL. Not entirely sure what people were complaining about....I like it. :) Especially the weather bug on my desktop. So awesome.

I haven't weighed myself since last week...and for all those female bloggers out there you know that time of the month when you are bloated? yeah, that's me right now. :) Sooooo that's something I'll post probably at the end of the week.

I'm off to get some stuff done since my boss was so nice to give me the day off. :)

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