Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Wrath

One thing I completely forgot about is how insanely sore you are after your first work out. I'm feeling it still. I didn't get to work out yesterday cause I was up at 6:45 to be at work by 8 and I didn't get done til 5. I had to pick up a gift, go home, change and went to a work party that I didn't get home from til 10pm. Not only did I miss all of the Ghost Adventures marathon they do every Friday, but I was exhausted. I came home and sat in front of the computer checking things over. I turned everything off and read my book til 12:30am. Not smart, with how early I was up. But I woke up this morning at 10am. Turns out getting 9 1/2 hours does the body good!

Another thing I've come to find is SELF magazine. I had gotten it only because Jillian was on the cover. (Yes, I do love Jillian Michaels - she's amazing). And I read through it and really liked it. Unlike Cosmo, which is out to get you to buy expensive make up to cover up the blemishes and all, Self is out there to get you healthy. Nearly on every page there's something about fitness, about what you can do to better yourself. Not to apply layers upon layers of makeup, but to help YOU get to be where YOU want to be. In the end, I got myself a subscription for SELF magazine, because of how much I liked it. As much as I used to like Cosmo, I really really like Self. I would highly suggest getting a copy of Self and see for yourself what it's about. I mean, magazines aren't made for everyone. It's what suits you that matters most, and I find that in SELF they offer that to everyone that wants to lose it.

During this whole time I've had this blog, never once did I feel like I been rambling on. I've really enjoyed talking about these kinds of things. Putting my ideas out there, whether people read them or not, they're there, and I honestly love it.

So what's on the agenda for today??? 
  • Clean a bit
  • Get a Jillian Michaels workout on
  • Eat some yummies
  • Go out and spend some of my gift cards
  • Enjoy my new years!
I really do hope everyone has an AMAZING New Years Eve! Can't wait for what 2012 has in store for me!!


  1. I've got a few of Jillian Michaels workout dvds and I really like them too. Have you ever tried Billy Blanks? I like his Tae Bo dvds, some parts of the workout are a challenge but fun...if thats possible. Good luck and don't give up!!

  2. Where ya at girlie!? No 2012 posts for me to read :-(

    1. I know, I feel terrible about it! Things have been getting hectic so I don't get to post as much. But I'm going to try and be more productive about writing more! Check out my new entry :)

  3. How have I not been following your blog? I didn't even know you had one! lol I've never picked up a copy of Self, but I think I'll give it a try. This year getting healthy is one of my main goals. I'm slowly learning what works best for me to do it.

    No matter what ups and downs happen, 2012 WILL be your year!

    1. Hey Amber! Yeah, I've had this for a while and use it on and off. But I'm trying to use it more to get my thoughts out there and all. It's a nice outlet! :) I'm still trying to figure out what works for me, too, but I know I just have to fit being more healthy into my schedule. :)
